Creative // art direction



Smile with Lay's Program 

Creatively lead the Design of packaging, social content and launch of new packaging for the Lay's brand.

Lay's Packaging
Lay's partnered with Operation Smiles to put smiles on their packaging. This collaboration allows consumers to donate to the charity just by purchasing a bag. There are 40 unique smiles across their catalog of flavors to ensure a wide variety of smiles.

Uploaded by None on 2018-02-23.

Snapchat Lens
Designed a Snapchat filter for the Launch of the new bags.

Uploaded by Jennifer Gilliland on 2018-02-26.

Point of Sale Photoshoot

Smiles Times Square Launch
From conception to execution, I created and designed the overall launch for the new packaging in Times Square.
Two stories, 9,000 sq. ft., 32,00 yellow balls, 3 days and a whole bunch of chips.